Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Comet 2011W 3 - DEAD !!!

This image is SOHO sun's observatory from the orbit. The comet tragedy will happen in next few hours.
Will survive ? Maybe - suprise and not miracle.So far our theories and knowladge about Universe are wrong-abuse proved by last observation's. My 1-cent, maybe Sun's gravity push a way comet on new orbit :).

Comet 2011 W 3

Comet 2011 W 3 . This comet is bilion years old/when our solar system was forming/ and this is last passage !???You see the orbit on the picture.In the center is our star SUN.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

NGC 7023 Iris Nebula

So far just 26 exposures 3minutes each on 21 Nov 2011. 10"inch at F-5 home made newtonian telescope.

Comet Garradd 21 Sept 2011

Single 4 minutes exposure.8"inch at F-4 newtonian telescope.