Thursday, December 6, 2012

Garnet Star


Mu Cephei is a red supergiant star in the constellation Cepheus. 1300 Solar radii !
It is one of the largest and most luminous stars known in our  Milky Way Galaxy.
It appears garnet red .
30 x 1 minute exposures stack in DSS.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Pinwheel Galaxy M33

One of the bright members of the Local Group of Galaxies,
and probably the nearest spiral galaxy after the Andromeda system M31.
Lies on the western portion of the constellation Triangulum.
18-22 November 2012.
41 exsposures but 10 minutes each stack in DSS.
Full calibration .
Was very bad "seeing" and fog around my house,
Astronomical " seeing " refers to the blurring and twinkling of astronomical
objects.The Astronomical seeing conditions on a given night at a given location
describe how much the Earth's atmosphere perturbs the images  of stars
as seen through a telescope.
Seeing is one of the biggest problems for -Earth based astronomy.

Double Star Cluster in Perseus

One of the truly classic examples of galactic cluster,
and a wonderfully beautiful object.
Among the all-time favorites for all observers.
21 November 2012. Tiny Ontaro.
12 exsposures x 5 minutes each stack in DSS.
Full calibration/dark files,flat files,bias files apply/
Catalog # NGC 884 and NGC 869 .
Was very bad seeing , mist around my house

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Comet 168P

"Frozen" comet motion in DSS /deep sky stacker/ .
Not bad !  :)  Roman

Comet 168P- Still , motionless !!!

"Comet staking with motionless stars is very difficult and is close to voodoo that it sometimes works.
 Depends on the SNR/signal to noise ratio/ of the lights /exposures/. Of course high SNR requires long exposures
which means either the stars or comet trail. So it's a combination of comet speed , aperture and focal
 length that determines what the result will be"- Sander DSS.
I tried it but I need "faster" telescope  F-3 or F-4. Like you se all colour data is lost. Roman
No problem in grayscale  : )

Monday, October 22, 2012

Comet 168 P

Crop at 50% resolution.Telescope location:Tiny Ontario

Comet 168P/Hergenrother 22 Oct.2012

1 hour -20x 3 minutes exposures stacked in DSS. Telescope:10 inch at F-5.

Was very bad seeing and transparency , humidity almost 100% .

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Bubble Nebula NGC 7635

Nebula in constellation Cassiopeia.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

NGC 7380 Wizard Nebula

Emission nebula in constellation Cepheus. Over 3 hours exposure /20 x 10 minutes each/. Moded Canon DSLR camera Xsi and self made 10" inch newtonian telescope.Thanks for looking.
12 Sept. 2012 .Telescope location : Penetanguishene Ontario /Tiny/.Roman

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

NGC 7023 Iris Nebula

Dusty nebular material surrounds a hot star in constellation Cepheus.3 hours exposure /18x 10 minutes each/. 10 Sept 2012.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Blue Moon 31 August 2012

Blue Moon is when there are 2 -two full moons in one Month . Shooting time: 8:25 PM.
Thanks for looking.Roman

Blue Moon 31 August 2012

Shooting time : 8:05 PM . Canon Xsi DSLR camera.

Blue Moon 31 August 2012

Blue Moon over Georgian Bay .11 km north from Penetanguishene Ontario.Shooting time : 7:55 PM.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

M 27

Crop at 50% resolution.

M 27

NGC 6853 - Dumbbell Nebula ,Planetary Nebula in constelation Velpecula.Image taken on 25 July 2012.Two hours total exposure , 10 "inch F-5 newtonian and modified Canon Xsi DSLR camera.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Crescent Moon with planet Venus on 26 March 2012

Moon pass close to planet Venus .Canon Xsi camera with 250 mm lens. 1 sec exposure.

Crescent Moon on 26 March 2012

Crescent Moon with Venus and Jupiter on 26 March 2012

Next day on 26 March 2012 Moon pass close to planet Venus.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

NGC 4565

This site is limited to resolution so I crop galaxy with surrounding-background galaxies from orginal image at 50% resolution.

Needle Galaxy - NGC 4565

The same night 27 March 2012 ,when wind cool down I choose NGC 4565 galaxy.
Stack of 20 images 5 minutes each in DSS.I hope I'll be able take more exposure in near future.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Crop from 50% resolution.

Supernova in M95 Galaxy

Supernova SN2012aw discovered on 16 March 2012. M 95 /NGC 3351/ is a relatively nearby barred spiral galaxy just abot 37 million light years away in constellation LEO . If you look for Mars-Red Planet the galaxy is there !
Image taken on 27 March 2012.Was very windy evening so I keep exposures short just 3 minutes each.
Stack of 29 exposures in DSS. On this image supernova is first bright star to the right (2 o'clock) from galaxy core.I did it ! From 50 exposures just 29 good for stack processing :(

Monday, March 26, 2012

Crescent Moon 25 March 2012

Crescent Moon 25 March 2012

Crescent Moon 25 March 2012

Crescent Moon 25 March 2012

So meny trees around my backyard , I drive 1km to Fairlain Lake for better location.

Crescent Moon 25 March 2012

Crescent Moon with Jupiter and Venus.Picture taken from my backyard Tiny ON Canada.
Canon DSLR Xsi camera and 18-55 mm lens.Lower left ,close to tree is Jupiter and above bright Venus. Is very windy so I can't play with my telescope.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Comet Garradd 22 March 2012

Stack of 38 images 2 minutes each in DSS.Telescope:10"inch newtonian. Camera:modified Canon Xsi.Telescope location: Tiny Ontario Canada.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Comet C/2009 P1 Garradd

Image taken on 20 Feb 2012 , 5 AM EST. 12 exposures 2 minutes each stack in DSS. 10"inch F-5 Newtonian telescope and modified Canon Xsi DSLR camera.Telescope location: Tiny ON Canada.

Roman's Astrograph

It's me and my telescope. Home made 10"inch F-5 telescope with R.F.Royce mirror.
Small Guide Scope/on top/ made from 50 mm Celestron finder and Orion Star Shoot DSCI CCD camera.Note:two heavy duty Tube Rings. Top one support secondary mirror and bottom tube ring support plate with primary mirror.Mount is Losmandy G11 with Gemini I GOTO. Telescope weight 50 lbs.Telescope specifications > Aperture:254mm -10"inch . Primary mirror:conical cross-section made by optician Robert F. Royce. Secondary Mirror: 2.6" Antares Optics .Focal length:1250 mm -50". Focal Ratio F-5.
Tube diameter: 12" aluminum from Hastings Pipe Co. Focuser:2" Feathertouch Starlight Instrument equipped with Micro-Touch Wireless Autofocuser , it allows automatic focusing with CCD and DSLR cameras,digital readout of focus position as well as information used for programming the temperature compensation feature/when temperature change also focus is not stable/.Tube Rings:12" Parallax Instr.Thanks for looking:Roman Kulesza.